1. Fork the cflib
2. Clone the cflib, git clone git@github.com:YOUR-USERNAME/crazyflie-lib-python.git
3. Install the cflib in editable mode, pip install -e path/to/cflib
Note: If you are developing for the [cfclient]you must use python3. On Ubuntu (16.04, 18.08) use pip3 instead of pip.
1. Uninstall the cflib if you don’t want it any more, pip uninstall cflib
该库依赖事件回调函数机制.函数调用后会立即返回,当事件发生后,会调用回调函数.该库不包含任何可保持应用程序运行的线程或锁.Functions like open_link will return immediately, and the callback connected will be called when the link is opened.
所有的回调函数使用Caller 类,包含了以下方法
""" Register cb as a new callback. Will not register duplicates. """
""" Un-register cb from the callbacks """
""" Call the callbacks registered with the arguments args """
//使用Radio interface, USB dongle number 0, radio channel 10 and radio speed 250 Kbit/s:
1. 初始化drivers,搜索所有可以使用的底层接口
""" Search for and initialize link drivers. If enable_debug_driver is True then the DebugDriver will also be used."""
2. 设置回调函数
# Called on disconnect, no matter the reason
disconnected = Caller()
# Called on unintentional disconnect only
connection_lost = Caller()
# Called when the first packet in a new link is received
link_established = Caller()
# Called when the user requests a connection
connection_requested = Caller()
# Called when the link is established and the TOCs (that are not cached)
# have been downloaded
connected = Caller()
# Called if establishing of the link fails (i.e times out)
connection_failed = Caller()
# Called for every packet received
packet_received = Caller()
# Called for every packet sent
packet_sent = Caller()
# Called when the link driver updates the link quality measurement
link_quality_updated = Caller()
available = cflib.crtp.scan_interfaces()
for i in available:
print "Interface with URI [%s] found and name/comment [%s]" % (i[0], i[1])
roll = 0.0 //deg,目标偏角
pitch = 0.0 //deg,目标偏角
yawrate = 0 //角速度
thrust = 0 //from 10001 (next to no power) to 60000 (full power) 发送间隔必须小于500ms,否者飞机将去使能,最理想状态10ms发送一次
crazyflie.commander.send_setpoint(roll, pitch, yawrate, thrust)
send_setpoint(roll, pitch, yaw, thrust):
Send a new control set-point for roll/pitch/yaw/thust to the copter
The arguments roll/pitch/yaw/trust is the new set-points that should
be sent to the copter
crazyflie.param.add_update_callback(group="group", name="name", param_updated_callback)
def param_updated_callback(name, value):
print "%s has value %d" % (name, value)
add_update_callback(group, name=None, cb=None)
Add a callback for a specific parameter name or group. If not name is specified then
all parameters in the group will trigger the callback. This callback will be executed
when a new value is read from the Crazyflie.
""" Request an update of the value for the supplied parameter. """
set_value(complete_name, value)
""" Set the value for the supplied parameter. """
# Callback called when the connection is established to the Crazyflie
def connected(link_uri):
if logconf.valid:
print "One or more of the variables in the configuration was not found in log TOC. No logging will be possible."
def data_received_callback(timestamp, data, logconf):
print "[%d][%s]: %s" % (timestamp, logconf.name, data)
def logging_error(logconf, msg):
print "Error when logging %s" % logconf.name
crtp协议数据包最大为32bytes,也就意味着log block中变量个数不能太多
API LogConfig
# Called when new logging data arrives
data_received_cb = Caller()
# Called when there's an error
error_cb = Caller()
# Called when the log configuration is confirmed to be started
started_cb = Caller()
# Called when the log configuration is confirmed to be added
added_cb = Caller()
add_variable(name, fetch_as=None)
"""Add a new variable to the configuration.
name - Complete name of the variable in the form group.name
fetch_as - String representation of the type the variable should be
fetched as (i.e uint8_t, float, FP16, etc)
If no fetch_as type is supplied, then the stored as type will be used
(i.e the type of the fetched variable is the same as it's stored in the
"""Start the logging for this entry"""
"""Stop the logging for this entry"""
"""Delete this entry in the Crazyflie"""
API Crazyflie add_config(logconf) """Add a log configuration to the logging framework.
When doing this the contents of the log configuration will be validated
and listeners for new log configurations will be notified. When
validating the configuration the variables are checked against the TOC
to see that they actually exist. If they don't then the configuration
cannot be used. Since a valid TOC is required, a Crazyflie has to be
connected when calling this method, otherwise it will fail."""