03 Crazyflie Code Modularization Method
1. 单总线接口one wire
2. Crazyflie工程挂载自定义驱动方法
Deck drivers(Crazyflie开发方向,未完成)
The Deck API allows to easily communicates with decks installed on the Crazyflie. The deck API is still in development, it will:
Enumerates installed Deck and initialize drivers (*pretty much
Provides easy to use arduino-like API to access (started)
Optionally provides a task to run in (arduino-like setup and loop)
(not started yet)
Decks are enumerated automatically using a One Wire (OW) memory soldered on the deck PCB. The Deck driver API is using a declarative syntax to register deck drivers and initialize them when the proper deck is installed.
Minimal driver 启动流程
At startup the decks are enumerated and if a deck has the name
\"meMyled\", it will be initialized.
Init is called on all initialized driver and then test is called.
The init and test functions are both optional (we have some board
with only init and event some with only test). If absent just remove
the .init or .test initialisation.
In this mode no task are created so to run some code at regular
intervale the code needs to deal with freeRtos or with the other
parts of the Crazyflie code.
Minimal driver 示例 Deck drivers are in the deck/driver/src folder.
1.Create this file named hello.c in the deck/driver/src folder:
2.Add this to the Makefile, after the line # Decks:
3.Enabling the driver Decks can have a memory that contains its name. In our case the hello driver would be initialised only when a deck identified as \"myHello\" is installed on the Crazyflie. For development purpose it is possible to force enabling a deck driver with a compile flag. To do so create the file tools/make/config.mk with the content:
DEBUG=1 allows to get more information from the Crazyflie console when it starts. Debug should not be enabled if you intend to fly the Crazyflie out of the lab (it disables the watchdog).
4.Compile, flash and run! The output will be similar to the following:
Now you can connect your Crazyflie with the client and see your driver in the console!